Acupuncture for Endometriosis
The primary benefit of acupuncture for endometriosis is relief from pain. Acupuncture for endometriosis may also help women become pregnant after in vitro fertilization procedures. Other menstrual disorders, such as problems ovulating, severe cramping, and irregular menstrual cycles also benefit from acupuncture
Endometriosis: The Western & Chinese view.
Previously, endometriosis was described as having tissue from the inside of the uterus growing outside of it, causing pelvic pain and infertility.
However, a more current understanding describes endometriosis as the presence of cells resembling the uterine lining (endometrium) outside the uterus. These cells most commonly appear in the pelvic region, sometimes attaching to the ovaries and fallopian tubes. In severe cases, endometriosis can even involve nearby organs like the bowels and bladder.
The displaced endometrial tissue (or other cells) continues to act as it normally would — it thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. Because this displaced tissue has no way to exit your body, it becomes trapped. When endometriosis involves the ovaries, cysts called endometriomas may form. Surrounding tissue can become irritated, eventually developing scar tissue and adhesions, abnormal tissue that binds organs together.
Nearly half of patients have chronic pelvic pain. In 70% of sufferers pain occurs during menstruation. Pain with sex is also common. Infertility occurs in up to half of women.
What to expect from an acupuncturist?
An acupuncturist may consider your Western medical diagnosis, but their primary focus will be on understanding your condition and symptoms through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to develop a treatment plan.
TCM View: TCM focuses on imbalances in the body’s energy flow (qi) and blood circulation. Endometriosis is seen as a result of various imbalances, with “Blood Stasis” being the most common culprit.
Blood Stasis: This refers to stagnant blood flow in the pelvic area. It’s believed that this stagnation can be caused by factors like emotional stress, past surgeries, or exposure to cold.
Other Imbalances: Depending on the individual’s symptoms, TCM practitioners might identify additional imbalances such as:
- Kidney Yin or Yang Deficiency: This can manifest as irregular periods, fatigue, and difficulty regulating body temperature.
- Sp Qi Def & Blood Stasis: Chronic dysmenorrhea, irregular periods,dislike of abdominal touch, dark clots, fatigue, bloating
- Dampness: This refers to excess fluids in the body that can contribute to pain and inflammation.
TCM Diagnosis: A TCM practitioner will consider your symptoms, menstrual cycle, and overall health to identify the specific pattern of imbalance contributing to your endometriosis.
Treatment over a period of 3 monthly
menstrual cycles would be required
for Endometriosis / PCOS
How many treatments will I need? Explained here