Acupuncture & Cupping are extremely effective for treating back pain and most clients experience pain relief in the first treatment. At Cork Acupuncture we also use other therapies such as Physical Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Sports Massage, Acupressure or Electro-Acupuncture when necessary.
What is back pain?
Back pain is often described as sudden, sharp, persistent, or dull pain felt in the Thoracic (upper to middle), Lumbar and Sacral (lower back). It is very common and affects the majority of people at some point during their life.
Back pain is most commonly caused by muscle strain associated with heavy physical work, lifting or forceful movement, bending or twisting, awkward positions, poor posture or standing in one position too long. Any of these movements can exacerbate a prior or existing back disorder.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine pain is due to a disruption in the flow of “Qi” (oxygen) and blood to an area of the body. This can result in the formation of “Ashi Points” which cause pain. These are known as “Trigger Points” in Western medicine (it’s just a different language). Acupuncture can remove the blockage and increase the blood flow (and oxygen) to the affected area and remove any waste products, relaxing the muscles and other soft tissues and can eliminate the root cause of the pain.
Acupuncture can be very useful when physical manipulation is too painful or undesirable by the patient and can be a highly effective and gentle treatment.
Depending on the severity, usually a course of 6-12
treatments can see the problem resolved.
How many treatments will I need? Explained here
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture is extremely effective for treating Back Pain & Sciatica. You should notice an improvement after the first treatment and the benefits of subsequent treatments are accumulative. A course of 6 -12 treatments would normally be required for lasting pain relief.
How many treatments will I need? Explained here
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What is Sciatica?
Sciatica is pain in the lower extremity resulting from irritation of the sciatic nerve. The pain of sciatica is typically felt from the low back (lumbar area) to behind / side of the thigh and can radiate down below the knee to the foot. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and begins from nerve roots in the lumbar spinal cord in the low back and extends through the buttock area to send nerve endings down the lower limb.
While sciatica is most commonly a result of a lumbar disc herniation directly pressing on the nerve, any cause of irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve can produce the symptoms of sciatica. This irritation of nerves as a result of an abnormal intervertebral disc is referred to as radiculopathy. Aside from a pinched nerve from a disc, other causes of sciatica include irritation of the nerve from adjacent bone, tumors, muscle, internal bleeding, infections in or around the lumbar spine, injury, and other causes. Sometimes sciatica can occur because of irritation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy.
Sciatica causes pain, a burning sensation, numbness, or tingling radiating from the lower back and upper buttock down the back of the thigh to the back of the leg. The result is lumbar pain, buttock pain, hip pain, and leg pain. Sometimes the pain radiates around the hip or buttock to feel like hip pain. While sciatica is often associated with lower back pain (lumbago), it can be present without low back pain. Severe sciatica can make walking difficult if not impossible. Sometimes the symptoms of sciatica are aggravated by walking or bending at the waist and relieved by lying down. The pain relief by changing positions can be partial or complete.
Another cause of sciatica is the Piriformis syndrome.
The piriformis is a muscle which extends from the side of the sacrum to the top of the thigh bone at the hip joint. The sciatic nerve can either pass over, through or under the periformis muscle. When a short or tight piriformis is stretched, it can compress and irritate the sciatic nerve. Because the piriformis muscle acts to rotate the leg outward (like kicking a ball) people who habitually stand with their toes turned out often develop Piriformis syndrome.